Wednesday, September 23, 2009

PimPin SisWa 09...!!!!!
1 year student program....
a lot of memory and experience i get from this program....
this program have 4 series for local student which is every week in June...

as a facilitator in this program, i feel enjoy and happy......all activities in Pimpin Siswa create and handle by lecture's becoz to make sure all activities suitable for new APEX students......

most of their activities very fun...and sometimes scary...hehehe....
as a facilitator, i must join all of activities...i think ''lestari malam'' very scary for all facilitator but not for's becoz all of us ditinggalkan keseorgn dalam watch out them when they walk there.....huhuhu.........very scary wooo..........

"Cabaran Minda "

" lestari malam "

Pimpin Siswa 09 make sweet memory...i miss u all...especially kak ain, kak azida, kak zana,kak shahida, abg eyo, abg asri,shahrul,hafzan, syida, koo and other....
hopefully, we will work together again....forever friends.........sweet memory
at KEM PALAS, Titi Hayun Yan Kedah........

Monday, September 7, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak....
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...
jom balik kg...